Extend my residence permit

Generally, almost all Austrian residence permits can be extended. The prerequisites for these extensions vary and depend mainly on the permit you are currently holding.

Documents you need to prepare

You will always need the following documents, regardless what permit you are extending:

  • Application form 
    You need to fill in and sign the apprioprate application form. Please choose the option "Verlängerung". Check your situation here to receive a customized list of documents for your residence permit extension.
  • Passport 
    Your residence permit will, in most cases, only be valid for the maximum time span if your passport is valid for the appropriate time frame.
  • One EU passport sized photo
    not older than 6 months (with invoice)
  • Proof of accommodation in Austria
    e.g., rental contract, last 3 rental payments
  • Proof of health insurance coverage
    e.g., copy of your e-card
  • Proof of sufficient financial means
    e.g., copies of salary slips, savings account
  • Copy of confirmation of exact amount of family allowance ("Familienbeihilfe")
    by the Ministry of Finances, if applicable (if you have children and receive family allowance) 
    You can download this confirmation here.
  • KSV excerpt ("KSV-Auszug") for adult applicants 
    • The Immigration and Residence Authority might request this official document that confirms whether you and your husband/wife/registered partner currently have any loans in Austria. If so, the authority will also request proof of regular loan payments.
    • You can order this confirmation online.

Keep this in mind when applying for a residence permit extension

  • Your application for an extended permit can only be approved by the authorities if all necessary documents are provided and all legal prerequisites are fulfilled.

When do you submit your application for extension? 

  • Always submit the application for the extended permit in due time, that means before your current permit expires! The earliest possible date for the submission is three months before the expiry of your current permit.  
What happens if you do not apply for extension in due time?

If you fail to submit the application for the extension of your permit in due time - before your current permit expires - the Immigration and Residence Authority will classify your application as a first application. This means you will have to go through the same process you went through for your first permit and in the worst case, you might even have to leave the country!

How do you submit your application for extension?

  • The application must be submitted in person to the Immigration and Residence Authority responsible for your place of (registered) residence. 
  • For applications in Vienna, please check online which branch of the Immigration and Residence Authority (MA35) is responsible for the district you live in.
  • All applicants over the age of six must be personally present for the submission of the application.
  • Please expect fees between 160 € and 250 €. 
    In most cases, you will have to pay the application fee on the spot when submitting your application. Please keep in mind that payment with credit or debit card might not always be possible.
    In other cases, you might receive a bill by post together with the official confirmation of the authority about the approval of your application. Please make sure to pay this bill at least five working days before the pick-up date!
  • In case the authority asks you to provide additional documents, these can usually be provided by email. Please make sure to always use your reference number ("Referenznummer") in those emails!

German or Integration Certificates by ÖIF must be presented in their original form. This can be done when submitting your application or, if available only later in the process, provided by email first and presented in original when picking up your extended permit.

You have not yet received your new permit and your current permit is about to expire or has recently expired?

No worries! If you have submitted the application for the extension of your residence permit in due time (meaning before your current permit expired), you are legally allowed to keep residing and working in Austria.

Should you need to travel while still waiting for the new permit, you can apply for an "emergency visa" ("Notvignette"). It will be stamped in your passport and confirms that you've submitted your application in due time. It works like a Schengen visa and allows you to move within the Schengen Area for a maximum of 90 days.

Do you have questions that have not been covered?

Our experts offer support before, during and after immigration and permit extension processes. We are happy to answer all your questions and to support you, your family and your Austrian employer every step of the way. As ABA Work in Austria has an official mandate by the Austrian Government, all our services are free of charge.

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